
Jersey city



This is the official trailor for “Jersey City Black Panthers” . A song, Visual presentation and overall historical experience brought to you by Young Flizo aka Flizo Shakir. As a Jersey City native he took it upon himself to put a magnifying glass on the legacy of the Jersey City Black Panther Party.

They were some of the most feared group of young men and women in the entire United States. The Jersey City school system doesn’t teach about these revolutionary’s and revolutionary events for a reason. Enjoy this trailor and enjoy the record. Mini documentary coming soon! Peace!

This is the official cover art for Flizo “Jersey City Black Panthers”.

The Song is Produced by Wolfboy. This is a historical dedication to the “Jersey City Black Panthers” Of the late 1960s & 70s . Jersey City, New Jersey has a rich revolutionary history that couldve inspired the generations after them to fight in the same matter our elders for justice.

School systems purposely hide this because its a strategic way to dismiss the efforts in which our revolutionary leaders played on defense to protect the people. These brothas and sistas were OUR police in the community who policed the police.

The Jersey City Black Panther Party Story is not highlighted enough. Its time to change that. Here is the “Jersey City Black Panthers” project. Song and Visual content. Documentary coming soon! This is a dedication to our great revolutionaries of Jersey City who never get acknowledged.