About Us

About THEBRNR.org

The Blvck Rebel News Report : “Educating The Land With Raw Facts, Truth & Perception” – Young Flizo

THEBRNR.org is a raw & uncut unfiltered independent news forum based around Economics, Health, Agriculture, Culture, History, Tech, Survival, & Self-Defense. founded by Jersey City Hip Hop emcee & revolutionary Young Flizo. Intellectual property of the Blvck Rebel Organization, which is a revolutionary organization that is grass rooted out of Jersey City, New Jersey.

The Blvck Rebel Organization/Freedom Fighters believe in fighting for an abundance of Freedom, Justice, equality, economics and true education for the blacks here in America to the world. We understand the true nature of how the enemy used evil propaganda to turn black people into creatures.

And righteous propaganda and truth will illuminate our minds and help us fight the enemy. True Victory and revolution for our people starts with information then rebellion. The Blvck Rebel Organization believes in educating and freeing black people with real education through music, film, and culture.

85% of us are dead and blind to knowledge of self and our environment. Just about all black media today is filthy and disgusting. Media sites like “WordStarHipHop”, “TheShadeRoom”, “BallerAlert”, “MediaTakeOut” and many others who promote nothing but celebrity gossip, drama, controversy, bias one way political propaganda, forced homosexual agendas, and more filth for money. Unfortunately, Most of our people always follow and entertain this garbage.

If you read Adolf Hitler’s book “Mein Kampf”, you will realize just how propaganda can make or break the minds of the people. Evil White Zionist Jews Started this filth with White media, and Black Media is doing the same thing the devil did and we shouldn’t allow that. This site aims to challenge these sites and hopefully motivate them to change what they post and how they influence our community or get eliminated all together from the face of the Earth.

Most of us believe anything the enemy tells us. We need to show some type of rebellion together as a people, to show we will not be used as AmeriKKKa’s 2 dollar sluts NO LONGER!. Many nations got what they wanted and defeated their enemies with information and rebellion.

Rebellion is the engine that will help drive the enemy to either get down or lay down. Those who control the news and the narrative control the world. And for to many years satanic white people (Especially whites who identify as “JewISH” have been controlling false narratives about black people in the media and in the world. It has to stop.

So instead of begging for freedom, Justice, equality, respect and economy we just going to take it piece by piece. The Blvck Rebel Organization aims to raise the next generation of rebellious leaders that will take they power instead of asking. And ones who will lead the future generations of blacks into true freedom and victory.


The Blvck Rebel Organization / Freedom Fighters
Jersey City, New Jersey

The Blvck Rebel News Report
Jersey City, New Jersey

Founder :
Young Flizo aka Flizo Shakir

Get in touch

Are you rebellious toward the system ? Are you a free thinker with ambitions revolutionize America by exposing it, challenging it, and changing it ?

Fill out the form below. Or Contact via email thebrnrorg@gmail.com . We are very selective in who we choose to officially associate with in this movement so hit us up and tell us about yourself! PEACE!